Wellness & Longevity
This One Ingredient Can Stop Refined-Carb Cravings
Posted by Plantraw™ Plantraw.com™ on
In the 1967 classic "The Graduate" Walter Brooke advises the young Dustin Hoffman that he has one word of advice for him: "Plastics." In this post we have one word of advice for our readers: Fiber, meaning, dietary fiber, as in Plantraw™ snacks. This one ingredient can make a huge difference in the pursuit of better health. Fiber, (aka, "dietary fiber," "roughage," or "bulk") is the part of plants that is not digestible. According to the Mayo Clinic, fiber can help in preventing constipation, achieving a healthy weight, and lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Fiber contributes to the feeling of fullness. Thus, fruits, veggies, and Plantraw™ snacks,...
Intro to Plantraw Living™
Posted by Plantraw™ Plantraw.com™ on
In this blog, Plantraw™ Living, we endeavor to educate readers about healthy living in general and easy daily routines in particular, with the aim of not just losing weight, but leading a long and enjoyable life.
- Tags: Gluten-free, Healthy daily routines, Healthy lifestyle, Healthy lifestyle advice, Healthy living tips, Incorporating healthy habits into daily life, Keto, No added sugar, Vegan