Wellness & Longevity — Ketogenic Diet

Is Gluten Free Low Carb?

Posted by Izhar Groner on

Is Gluten Free Low Carb?

If you've been considering going gluten-free like millions of other Americans, you might be wondering if it means you have to go low-carb too. After all, is gluten-free low-carb? The answer is a little complicated.

Some gluten-free foods are also low in carbs, but there are plenty of other options too for those who benefit from consuming more carbohydrates. 

In this guide, we'll take a look at what carbs are and why they matter when it comes to gluten-free eating. We'll also discuss some of the best low-carb gluten-free foods for those looking to cut back on their carb intake. Let’s go!

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Dates? Keto? Really???

Posted by Zahid Adnan on

Dates? Keto? Really???

The ketogenic diet requires minimizing carbohydrate ("carb") intake to no more than 50g a day (some practitioners put this figure at 30g or even 20g), to get the body accustomed to burning fat instead of carbs.  Dates, like many other fruits, have a relatively high carb content, which will interfere with this "fuel conversion." For those who are in the stage keto adaptation, we recommend filling this narrow carb allowance with nutritionally-dense, fiber-packed raw foods like veggies in general, and green leafy vegetables in particular. These will provide important phytonutrients and fiber. The latter is crucial for gut health, especially while maintaining ketosis (which relies on fiber-poor foods).Keto...

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